Sunshine Coast Technical Trade Training Centre has been recognised among Australia’s best and brightest in vocational education and training (VET) with the announcement of the seventy-five finalists for the 2020 Australian Training Awards. The Australian Training Awards set to be held on 20 November, recognise achievements in VET across apprentices, trainees, educators, employers and training providers.
Federal Member for Fisher Andrew Wallace said that the Sunshine Coast Technical Trade Training Centre, based at Caloundra State High School, was one of three shortlisted in the School Pathways to VET category.
“As a former apprentice carpenter myself, I am living proof that a vocational education can take you anywhere. The earlier we can start educating our students about the fantastic careers available to them in the trades the better, and that’s why school-based programs like the Sunshine Coast Technical Trade Training Centre are so important.” Mr Wallace said.
“I awarded the SCTTTC one of my own Fisher Community Awards in 2019, and chose to launch my Ready, Set, Go! bursary program at the Centre because our community is fortunate to have a world class program like this and it deserves our support. Congratulations to Caloundra State High School, trainer Rob Reid and all the team at SCTTTC.” he said.
“Our entire community is extremely proud and we wish you all the best at the upcoming Australian Training Awards.” Mr Wallace said.
The award categories cover students, apprentices, trainees, teachers, schools, registered training organisations and employers, as well as recognising national excellence and a lifetime achievement award.
Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said COVID-19 will not stop Australia celebrating the best of the nation’s VET sector.
“We know it’s been a tough year, but these finalists have shone through and will be an inspiration for those thinking about a career in VET,” Minister Cash said.
“A strong VET sector will ensure our economy can grow and meet the demand for the skilled workforce of the future, creating a pipeline of Australian tradies and trained workers.
“The 2020 Australian Training Awards, which will an online event for the first time in its 26-year history, will help reinforce the benefits of a vibrant VET sector.
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education, Training and Apprenticeships, the Hon Steve Irons MP, said the Morrison Government is proud to support the Australian Training Awards, and committed to supporting the VET sector.
“The Morrison Government has put in place the $2.8 billion Supporting Apprentices and Trainees wage subsidy to keep up to 180,000 apprentices and trainees on the job during COVID-19,” Minister Irons said.
“In this year’s Budget we announced the $1.2 billion Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy to support 100,000 new apprentices and trainees.
“We have also launched the $1 billion JobTrainer fund which will provide up to 340,700 additional training places to help school leavers and job seekers gain access to short and long courses to develop new skills in areas of identified labour demand.”
For information on the 2020 Australian Training Awards finalists and to register for the awards presentation, visit: