Planting trees on the Sunshine Coast for the Queen’s Jubilee

In honour of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and her Platinum Jubilee, community organisations on the Sunshine Coast will have the opportunity to access funding to plant trees as part of the celebrations.

Federal Member for Fisher Andrew Wallace welcomed the opportunity for local community groups to play a part in the nationwide ‘Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program’.

“Eligible groups and organisations in Fisher here on the Sunshine Coast are invited to contact my office to discuss potential projects for nomination for an Australian Government grant to plant trees in honour of the legacy of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and her 70 years of service to Australia and the Commonwealth,” Mr Wallace said.

“Planting regionally-appropriate species that enhance the tree canopy will help preserve the unique Sunshine Coast environment and protect the natural paradise that we are so fortunate to live in.

“The Morrison Government continues to demonstrate our commitment to caring for our country and this program will leave a legacy of its own – in the form of trees flourishing across the nation for Australians to enjoy well into the future.”

Grants from $2,500 to $20,000 will be available to a broad range of organisations with each federal electorate eligible to receive up to $100,000 for up to 10 projects.

The program will be community led, giving groups the option of planting large shade trees in a school or civic centre, the chance to enhance a local park area or to commence a local greening project.

To be considered, projects must include formal commemorative events in 2022 to mark the Jubilee, plantings of regionally appropriate tree species, and installation of commemorative signage or plaques.

The Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee Program is one of a range of national and community events planned by the Australian Government to celebrate The Queen’s Jubilee year.

During Her 70 years of service, the Queen has visited Australia on 16 occasions, and on many of these visits has planted trees at community events and ceremonies – leaving a long-lasting reminder of the special occasion for the people in those communities. In fact, The Queen is said to have planted 1500 trees throughout Her reign.

For more information and to find out how to get involved visit: 
