Sunshine Coast Light Rail

 Today is the last day for Sunshine Coast locals to have their say about Sunshine Coast Council’s mass transit plan. They put out a survey; today is your last day. The deadline is five o’clock. I want to encourage everybody on the Sunshine Coast to get out and have your say. If you don’t, you can’t complain about what the council wants to foist upon you. Have a look at the survey. There are only five options, but the one that they have been pushing the most is light rail. The Sunshine Coast Council wants nothing but light rail on the Sunshine Coast. I’ve written to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Treasurer to ask them not to fund light rail on the Sunshine Coast because it would be a disaster for our very way of life. It will see an increase in density along the light rail of up to five times the number of dwellings, and it will take a lane each way off our key arterial roads like Nicklin Way and Alexander Parade. Sunshine Coast locals, this is your last chance. Get in by five o’clock today. Don’t take this for granted. Stand up and speak your mind. Hopefully, the Sunshine Coast Council will listen to you. But I will be there. I will back the Sunshine Coast locals every step of the way against council’s light rail. (Time expired)
