Get Involved

Do you want to get involved?

The Sunshine Coast has everything we could want or need right here on our doorstep and there has never been a more important time to support our region. Where else can you swim with whales, enjoy world class food looking over the beach, hike the Glass House Mountains, and get access to the latest fashions all in one day?

However, the business that help provide us with all of these unique experiences are struggling. With international borders closed, there are far fewer tourists in our region. This means fewer jobs available for the people who live here, and a weaker economy for all of us

We need to pull together as a community and do all we can to encourage and support these local businesses ourselves. That’s why I have got together with oru local Chambers of Commence and business groups to create this new campaign – @SupportSunshineCoast.

It’s easy to get involved. All you have to do is shop local, stay local or play local, and while you’re at it, jump online to tell your friends all about it with the hashtag #SupportSunshineCoast. Let’s aim for thousands of posts with this hashtag in the months to come. You can add the hastags #staylocal or #playlocal if you like too.

So in the weeks and months to come please, plan a weekend away in another part of our region, choose a local shop for the products you need or splash out one of our fantastic boutiques. Please consider trying out a new activity at the beach or in the Hinterland, have a breakfast at local cafe’ or eat at one of our terrific restaurants. And don’t forget to post about it on social media or pop into my office to collect a #SupportSunshineCoastshopping bag.

If you own a local business and you would like to get updates on the campaign or find out more, sign up to my #SupportSunshineCoast mailing list below.

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